The Neilpryde XF Forged Aluminium boom is the upgraded version of the XA aluminium boom and will excel in and survive through every session. The XF boom is the best and stiffest aluminium boom NeilPryde has ever designed. And the best alternative to Carbon booms.
OPTIMIZED CLEAT ANGLE The new optimized cleat angle makes tightening and loosening super easy. It also ensures that the rope never loosens or moves unintentionally during the session
INTEGRATED BOOM LEVER Integrated boom lever for easy locking and opening. Designed with a reduced surface area and lighter weight.
TRIM-PIN LEVER DESIGN Double insert with an easy locking and opening lever. It provides ease of tail adjustment, optimal load distribution and a stiff connection between the boom body and tail end.
VT-JOINT The NeilPryde VT-Joint provides a stiff boom connection and a more responsive transmission of the sail power than any other system used in the market. KEY BENEFITS: - Increases contact area from the boom attachment to the mast. > It can be used on any standard diameter mast. - Reduces chance of point loading. - Minimises play between the boom and mast connection. - Allows easy adjustment of boom height.