The Point-7 booms are a breath of fresh air for many freeracers and slalomers. The wide curve allows you to ride with great comfort in a neutral position, with equal pressure on both arms. Your sail will automatically adjust to allow the wind to do its work.
How Point-7 was able to create so much comfort?
With Point-7 the emphasis is not on the lightest and stiffest boom - of course they try to score the best on this too - but on a nice handling of the boom. The idea behind this is that you can develop the lightest and stiffest boom, but it can still feel heavy and uncomfortable. Point-7 believes that the weight should be in the front of the boom, keeping the rear of the boom light. A heavy backside causes acidic arms on the water.
Each boom size is individually developed and tested by the Point-7 team!
Just as wavers want a different boom curve than slalommers, slalomers also want a different boom curve for strong and light winds. By using the right curve you create comfort while sailing. The Point-7 large and small boom therefore both have different properties. The differences can be found in the diameter of the boom and the curve. The 190-240 boom has a slightly wider diameter (29 mm instead of 25). For the larger sizes, a light and stiff boom is important. That is why a wider diameter has been chosen for this size. By using a wider diameter, an equally strong and stiff boom can be made with less material. This keeps the boom light and rigid.
Another difference with the smaller boom (170-220) is the curve. The tail of the longer boom slides over the body where the smaller boom slides into the body. This makes the rear part lighter and wider. This is good for the larger sail sizes, because it creates more power and comfort.
To protect the carbon back piece, a protector is attached at the end. This allows you to let the sail rest on the ground while wearing it without damaging the carbon. The holes where the double-pin system is mounted are also wide, so that the pin does not touch the carbon unnecessarily. In addition, the boom has a thin anti-slip sand layer. This means you don't have to squeeze the boom as much while sailing.
The Carbon Pro is suitable if you are looking for a high quality boom. The Carbon is also a good option if you are sailing with a different brand of sail.