Introducing our inaugural dedicated foil freeride sail: the Free Flight. This ultra-lightweight sail ensures early flight and maximum efficiency for every foil session, enabling the use of the smallest sail while soaring effortlessly.
Crafted with 4 battens and 1 mini cam (2 on the 6.6), it maintains a featherweight feel without compromising stability. The shortened boom and taut leech optimize early foil engagement, providing a weightless sensation over the water.
Exceptionally Early Flight Free Flight aims to swiftly lift you onto the foil, allowing for a tiny sail relative to wind speed.
Optimized Leech Design Benefitting from a tight leech design, this sail gains added power and stability during foiling, permitting the use of a smaller sail and harnessing maximum wind power.
Tailored for Foiling With a modified foot shape, Free Flight accommodates the more upright sailing position when foiling, maximizing performance and efficiency by closing the gap when sailing upright.
Strategically Crafted Layout Featuring a 4-batten layout, the sail ensures stability and lightweight maneuverability.
Tailored Cams for Stability Smaller sizes feature 1 mini cam, optimizing profile stability against weight. The 6.6 utilizes 2 mini cams to enhance stability in its largest size range.
Foiling-Specific Design Designed exclusively for foiling, Free Flight harnesses maximum foil-specific benefits, capitalizing on efficiency gains not catered to fin-based sails.